Leiningen Vs The Ants Quotes

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“We all make mistakes. It’s human. Just learn from them. Repeating them and being aware of it is the dangerous bit.” -Jesse J. Leiningen is the main character in Carl Stephenson’s short story “Leiningen Versus the Ants.” The story is about Leiningen, a plantation owner, who sets up a series of plans to save his plantation from ravenous army ants. Most would believe he is a hero. However, Leiningen continues to make the same mistakes over and over, just as Jesse J’s quote warns of. Leiningen is a villain because he repeatedly put his works at risk, caused massive damage to the local ecosystem, and his overall personality is cocky and stubborn. First of all, Leiningen placed his 400 workers in grave danger. Instead of being a responsible boss …show more content…

Not only does he compare the women to cattle, but he believes he is more intelligent than everyone else. A true hero would be selfless and sympathetic. Leinginen proves to be the complete opposite. After the Brazilian Official warns him, Leiningen says, “‘Anyway, I’m not an old woman; I’m not going to run for it just because an elemental’s on the way'” (pg. 1 p. 5). This quote proves Leiningen is extremely condescending. He believes just because he is intelligent, he is better than everyone. He is also mocking elderly women in this cite by saying he won’t run away like an old woman would do. Later on in the article, it says, “Leiningen gave this instruction, not because he believed the non-combatants were in any danger, but in order to avoid hampering the efficiency of the defenders. ‘Critical situations first become crises,’ he explained to his men, ‘when oxen or women get excited’” (pg. 3 p. 18). This quote shows Leiningen’s impudent nature. He removes the women and children from the plantation so they wouldn’t distract his workers. Throughout the story, Leingingen proves his discourteous attitude for his workers, the women, the children, and anyone else who attempts to discourage him from his injudicious

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