Leonardo Da Vinci Accomplishments

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Leonardo da Vinci was a artist, painter, architecture, engineer, writer, inventor, mathematician, geologist, historian, anatomist, scientist, and a sculptor. Da Vinci was also known for being a Renaissance genius. Most of Da Vinci’s talents and skills developed at a very early point in his life. His originality was the greatest minds that had lived in this whole world. Da Vinci was an assistant at Verrocchio’s work shop, which his work was to help Verrocchio in his paintings and to do his own as well in the process of helping him. The earliest signs of a painting were there were angels one executed on a large landscape, and the last being the figure of Christ, getting the texture of the flesh how he wanted it to be. Da Vinci knew how manipulate …show more content…

The horse that was 24ft high model clay was destroyed. After seeing how Da Vinci’s horse went down with a strong fight in him and seeing a huge puddle of what was left from this horrible misfortune, he was never the same. Realizing that his once 24ft high horse could not be fixed again, he spent the next of his years just relaying on painting and venting to try and soothe his torn up heart. While never losing his beloved memory of his horse, he also ages with long white hair and a beard that was stomach length. Now all during Da Vinci’s time in mourning, Michelangelo would taunt and tease him to no end all because Da Vinci never actually covered the whole horse in bronze. While time passed after Da Vinci‘s death, Charles Dent read about him and he realized he was almost Da Vinci. Charles Dent was born on 1917; his passion went from art to flight. Dent being able to travel around the world, and while doing that he was also able to get paintings from at the time famous people. Only difference between Dent and Da Vinci was that Dent was living Da Vinci’s dream of flying, which at Da Vinci’s time really couldn’t be done. Dent also knew that Da Vinci would be proud if he saw what Dent did, he finished what Da Vinci couldn’t have had finished … his horse. In the Christmas of 1944 Dent died knowing that the horse was being fixed for him and Da Vinci The horse was shipped and was improved for how the two people

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