Leopard Seal Research Paper

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Introduction Have you ever wondered what leopard seals are? Leopard seals are a kind of seal that live in the Antarctic. They are considered fierce predators where they live. They eat penguin, fish, squid, smaller seals and the baby leopard seals eat krill. Leopard seals also have predators of their own. Their predators are global warming, sharks, killer whales, and humans. Leopard seals got their name from their spotted coat. They are the second largest seal in the Antarctic. What are Leopard Seals? Did you know that leopard seals live on their own? Once a leopard seal is one month old, its mother leaves forever and the pup must hunt on its own. Even adult leopard seals live on their own for their whole life. The average leopard seal is about 10 feet long and weighs up to 840 pounds. There is one female leopard seal in the Antarctic that weighs 1000 pounds. This leopard seal, and many others, hunt in the frigid waters of Antarctica. All adult leopard seals have a spotted coat which makes them look like leopards which is how they got their name. Their coat is also dark gray at the top and white or light gray at the …show more content…

The leopard seal swims underwater until it sees a waddle, group, of penguins. It hunts the penguin that it slower than the rest. Once the penguin sees the leopard seal, it tries to get back to the pack, but the leopard seal gets closer. The penguin makes a sharp turn to avoid a fatal bite, but the seal is fast and bites with its extra powerful jaw. It got a fin but that is not enough. Now the penguin is slow so the seal chomps and gets hold of the penguin. The leopard seal holds on to the penguin and surfaces. It thrashes the penguin back and forth to tear through the skin so it can get to the meat, since the leopard seal has no molars to grind the skin. Then the seal goes back in the water to gulp mouthfuls of

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