
Lessons Learned From My Work Experience With Castleman Diseaselaborative Network

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I have developed strong ownership in work-streams and projects as an entrepreneur since high school. I believe this is the most crucial skills in the consulting working environment, because the sense ownership will drive me to take initiatives, work productively and deliver high quality results. When running my startup, I took responsibilities over every aspect of the business and became a reliable leader. My team consisted of students from schools across the U.S., who were passionate about helping Chinese international students with college applications and adopting to the new culture. In order to run the team efficiently, I learned about each member’s strength and interests, and put them into different divisions: Media, Publication and Public …show more content…

Sometimes the clients do not understand the core issues and are misled to the wrong direction, and it would be difficult to find the most efficient solution. Therefore, it is important to delve deeper into the root problem and deliver the most valuable solution. From my work experience with Castleman Disease Collaborative Network (CDCN), I realize that the most effective solution is the one that targets the root of the problems, rather than the superficial features. After I helped CDCN open up the online merchandise store, the sale in the first month was very low. Some people in the team thought the price might be too high or models didn’t look friendly. But I identified the underlying issue to be the lack of marketing effort. Therefore, I worked with cross-functional teams and suggested to feature the store on the home page, distribute the merchandise at various fundraising events and designed a tiered reward system to promote this new project. The team adopted to my recommendations and we raised over $500 in two months. Now, every time I encounter a problem, I would delve deeper into the true issues and develop the insights to strive for the most effective

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