
Let America Be America Again, By Langston Hughes

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The poem Langston Hughes wrote in 1936 called “Let America be America again”. Langston Hughes an afro American in the United States of America. Langston Hughes' philosophical idea was equality in the United States of America. The first way Langston Hughes shows his philosophical idea of equality is by showing he wants everyone to be treated fairly and have the government not allow people to be racist to the Afro-Americans, Indians, and other immigrants located in the United States of America. The second way Langston Hughes shows his philosophical idea of equality is by showing his desire and dedication towards of achieving equality and shows off his dedication of hard work to achieve his dream but can’t due to of the barriers he has to overcome …show more content…

Langston Hughes was being unique because he was calling out the government and wanting change. Langston states “O, let America be America again- / The land that never has been yet-”(Hughes). Meaning that Langston Hughes isn’t following everyone and sticking up for the people who aren’t being treated fairly in the United States of America including even himself. Also, Olga Barrios makes this statement “Hughes’s faithfulness to his idea of an African American artist being true to himself”(Olga Barrios). This quote shows that Langston Hughes has reality checks on himself and other African Americans and other immigrants in the United States of America. This causes Langston Hughes to realize how they are being treated and who is treating them that way. Which Langston Hughes brings out to the public on how they are being treated and calls out the government and wants a change to happen so they will stop treating them like that. So everyone in the United States of America would be treated fairly including all the people the Americans treated wrong, involving Africans, Indians, and other immigrants located in the United States of America. Langston Hughes is unique because he steadily asks rhetorical questions like “The free?” and “Who said the free? Not Me?”(Hughes). With this Langston shows us that from his personal experience, he jokes about the United States of America as a land of freedom and then questions the people who said the United States of America is the land of the free. Because Langston Hughes has experienced the life of African Americans, Indians, and other immigrants have felt in the United States of America. And with this Langston is making fun of the government for having this title but not living up to what they are called by being free, all being equal, and all having the same opportunities in the United States of

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