Let's Move Persuasive Essay

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Thirty years ago, people led a more healthy lifestyle. Children were more active; they walked to and from school, were involved in extracurricular activities, and families ate home-cooked meals together. However, today children commute through cars and bus routes, spending around seven to eight hours a day consumed by the Internet, videogames, and television. Additionally, due to parents becoming too busy, families do not eat home-cooked meals anymore and turn to unhealthy options and larger portion sizes. Over the past three decades, childhood obesity rates in America have tripled, and today, nearly one in three children in America are overweight or obese (Office of the First Lady, 2010). As a result of this on February 9th, 2010 First Lady Michelle Obama, and her team launched the Let’s Move! initiative. The campaign is devoted to creating healthier lives for children across America while fighting childhood obesity. …show more content…

initiative is directed mainly towards children and parents. It is a very user friendly website with easy access to information. The website includes a variety of different meal and physical activity ideas for schools, moms, and families in order to keep things simple. However, their website is not the only social media outlet that they utilize to build awareness for the program. They use Twitter, which has around 186,000 followers, gets an average of 20-40 likes and retweets from each post, and typically retweets posts from USDA Nutrition, the First Lady, and Drink Up; all of which promote living healthy lifestyles nationwide. Moreover, the Let’s Move! campaign has a Facebook page with over 181,000 likes. This page advocates parents to take action with their children to be active, prepare home-cooked meals, and overall make more healthy life choices. Their social media outlets consist of numerous healthy lifestyle choices, and thanks to the First Lady, they reach out to the younger generation making personal

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