Lev Vygotsky And Child Development

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Lev Vygotsky, a Russian psychologist, is best-known for his sociocultural theory. In Lev Vygotsky theory, social interaction played a critical role in children’s learning and the adults in a society foster children’s cognitive development in an intentional and systematic manner by engaging them in challenging and meaningful activities (Christina, 1999). Social interaction such as imitation, guided learning and collaborative learning enable children go through a continuous process of learning, so-called development, and culture profoundly influenced this process (Kendra, 2015). Development of human cognitive is not about the product but the process. Lev Vygotsky differ with Piaget’s views from discovering learning in child development, but also based on Piaget’s ideas. Teacher, older children and parents play an important role in children learning development (Saul, 2007). The teacher and parents are actively involved in process of children development. For example, the classroom should provide variety of learning materials and experiences. The classroom culture provide the child with cognitive tools such as language, cultural history and social context.
Lev Vygotsky’s developmental theory has three central concepts, which are zone of proximal development, internalisation and semiotic mediation (Saul, 2007). According to Lev Vygotsky, education generates and leads development as a result of social learning through the internalisation of culture and social