Lewis Carroll Research Paper

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The Life and Secrets of Lewis Carroll Lewis Carroll is widely known as the author of Alice in Wonderland, but actually had many different hobbies and careers. Throughout his life, he was a lecturer, photographer, and author of pamphlets, essays, poems, and books. Carroll was well-known in all of his work for many different reasons, including his talent. He wasn’t always known as the most normal person in his time, some may have look at him as a pedophile, but many enjoyed his works despite his potentially sketchy personal life.
Charles Lutwidge Dodgson was born to Charles and Francis Dodgson in Daresbury, England on 27 January 1832. He attended a grammar school in 1844, and then transferred to a private school in 1846. The discipline …show more content…

He used photography as a way to make friends, and then used his friendships to have a way to photograph children. Carroll’s preference in photography was of girls between the age of ten and fourteen. This was due to the fact that he believed that this was the time in their lives that they portrayed their most innocent beauty (Smith). Found in some of Dodgson’s diaries, he had written that he frequently held photography shoots of the young girls naked, as well as having nude sketches of thirteen and fourteen year olds (Mason). Some biographers believed that Carroll sexually desired the younger girls that he photographed, potentially giving him more reasoning to never having married. Though, his job at the Christ Church discouraged him to marry and put him in an environment that made it hard for him meet someone a woman to marry. Meaning, his lack of marrying may not have been because of his desire for children. Many also thought that Carroll had problems with Freudian symptoms of psychological dysfunction, which caused him to have awkward relationships with people his age, resulting in the friendships he had with children. Lewis Carroll’s relationships with the children he photographed led him to entertaining the girls with his own poems and stories before shoots. One of these relationships was with his friend’s daughter, Alice Liddell; eventually leading to the publishing of Alice in Wonderland in 1865