
Lewis Carroll Research Paper

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Lewis Carroll writes Through the Looking Glass six years after as a sequel to his previous novel Alice in Wonderland. This novel illustrates Alice’s quest in becoming a queen in the abstract Looking Glass World that Alice, herself, has created. Carroll creates this Looking Glass World about Alice’s journey, but he also mirrors aspects of his life into the novel he has written. In reality, Lewis Carroll is a pseudonym, or writing name, and his real name is Charles Lutwidge Dodgson. Alice was a child when she first met Dodgson, where he worked in the library and tended to the garden where Alice and her sisters played, at the Christ Church. This friendship with this young girl named Alice was the cornerstone to Carroll writing the stories Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass …show more content…

This double personality was the creative Lewis Carroll side of the logical and mathematical genius of Charles Dodgson. Not only was Dodgson himself have multiple personalities, but also the characters he created had multiple personalities. “A dual personality was present in Carroll’s own life beginning when he started writing under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll. Similar to his own duality, many opposing identities are present in Carroll’s literature,” ( The influence of Lewis Carroll’s life on his work). In Through the Looking Glass, Carroll had Tweedledee and Tweedledum. “‘I know what you’re thinking about,’ said Tweedledum: ‘but it isn’t so, nohow.’
‘Contrariwise,’ continued Tweedledee, ‘if it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn’t, it ain’t. That’s logic,’” (Through the Looking Glass 4). These twin brothers who never agreed and were contrary to one or the other’s ideas. They were opposing sides to one another and couldn’t agree: this constant quarrell shows the inner emotional struggles not only between the characters, but also in Dodgson-Carroll

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