Legacy of Lewis Carroll “I'm afraid I can't explain myself, sir. Because I am not myself, you see?” This famous excerpt in Alice in Wonderland was written by Lewis Carroll, also known as Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (Fishin, 1973). Carroll had an interesting childhood that later helped with the development with his writing style and imagination. His parents had a huge impact on his life, including his father who influenced him to be interested in mathematics. Carroll is known for many great works, but is famously known for writing the popular children's book called Alice in Wonderland. Critics felt that when it was first published, the book was intriguing, as well as modern critics in today’s time. Lewis Carroll’s legacy will be forever remembered as an amazing and wise man with an imagination that sparked many writers. Influences Childhood Influence Lewis Carroll’s childhood greatly influenced how he later wrote stories and brought his …show more content…
In the web page, Biography, he told the story out loud on an afternoon picnic to a young lady whom he doted on named Alice (2015). Additional information given from the same webpage, Biography, Alice was greatly intrigued with the story and begged him to write the tale down and later was published for the world to admire in the year of 1865 (2015). The interest in the book began to die down after his death in 1898, but later was revived during World War I (Hudson, 1996, p. 261). The sales of the manuscript hit its highest in 1928 and was later bought by Dr. A.S.W (Hudson, 1996, p. 261). He sold it to the British Museum in 1948 for twice the amount he bought it for to honor the great writer and the soldiers’ participation in World War II (Hudson, 1996, p. 261). Many “considered [Alice in Wonderland] the Golden Age of children's literature in English” (Clark, 2005). Alice in Wonderland gave Lewis Carroll his fame and admiration from many people around the