Liberal And Conservative Democrats Essay

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Liberal and Conservative Democrats have different opinions on many issues. One of the biggest issues is abortion. Liberal and Conservative Democrats have different views on this controversial topic. Liberals believe that since the fetus is in the woman’s body, she has the right to say what happens with it. Just like how a house is someone’s property, the woman's body is their property and just like this the individual is in total control over what she decides to do with it. Another different viewpoint is that a fetus is not human. The fetus is not yet developed like an organism is. Since it’s not human, it doesn't have access to unalienable rights. According to Liberals, human life does not begin at conception. Human life occurs when the …show more content…

If a woman cannot afford the abortion, the government should provide her with the abortion. This means using taxpayer dollars to fund for the process. However, that the abortion is up to the woman carrying the fetus. If she would like to keep the baby and care for the child then people should let her. If she decides the fetus needs to be aborted, and if she cannot pay for the operation, the government should pay for it using taxpayer dollars and she can go forward with the operation. It is her body and all the decision are hers. On the other hand Conservatives are completely different towards abortion. First of all, Conservatives believe that human life began at conception. This means as soon as the sperm fertilizes the egg, a human being exists in the womb. The Fetus is now considered a human being, and as a human being he/she access to unalienable rights. Also, even though that the child is still in the woman’s body, it is her responsibility to care for that child. The baby is a living and breathing human and aborting it is the equivalent to murder. However, the baby can be aborted if its birth might cause harm to the mother or if there has been some sort of permanent

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