Libert Liberty Research Paper

595 Words3 Pages

Everything started in 1492, when Christopher Columbus sailed on the island of La Española, part of what would later be America. It would not be so long after it when the thirteen colonies declared their independence from the tyrannical English government in the pursuit of the ideals they were seeking originally. Those ideals are opportunities, liberty, equality, freedom, and democracy. Ideals such as opportunities inspired millions of people worldwide to abandon their poor lifestyles and move to the New World in their quest for a better life. Although those became the five building blocks of a new nation, it is incongruent how are being applied some of these principles, like in case of liberty and equality. Throughout history, America has been thought as the Land of Opportunities. People from around the world were influenced by that ideal, making them travel thousands of kilometers to start a new life. Many reasons were behind that migratory movement, such as political and religious persecution, runaway from debt and the opportunity to start from zero. Today, not much has changed. Millions of people move to the continent in order to find labor opportunities, educational opportunities or even social opportunities. All these immigrants played a very important role on what would be later on the most powerful country in the world. …show more content…

Liberty has many faces, as it can mean religious liberty, political liberty, freedom of speech, privacy, or freedom to act. Today, the Constitution grants people freedom of religion, speech, press and to act. However, Americans still struggle when fully living up to that ideal, as privacy is a liberty that is being constantly violated. The NSA (National Security Agency) monitors every phone conversation Americans do and have access to servers that hold our personal data, yet it is for national protection in order to avoid terrorist