Difference Between Authoritarianism And Libertarianism

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Let us start from the definition so that we all stand on the same page. Authoritarian... A person who favors or acts according to authoritarian principles. Libertarian... A person who advocates liberty, especially with regard to thought or conduct. Left wing... Members of a liberal or radical political party, or those favoring extensive political reform. Right wing... Members of a conservative or reactionary political party, or those opposing extensive political reform. (All definitions from dictionary.com) The test results do not place me right in the middle, which is disappointing. I will be explaining why from the view of; the conflict between the tendency of my answers …show more content…

Therefore, although I may agree or disagree with what the question said then, when put to discussion I may change my stance on the topic affected by opinions that varies from mine, ultimately convinced by that opinion. For that reason I prefer to leave some space to do so by answering agree or disagree, therefore there is no surprise that I am rather on the center for left wing, right wing. As for the questions that locates people between authoritarian and libertarian, I am not surprised to see myself on the libertarian side compared to the middle indicating the center for authoritarian/libertarian, since I feel strongly about my rights and freedom. Now, for the conflict. Attending the school that I go to means that we have to accept diversity in all means and trying to put ourselves in other's shoes as best as we can, and we are trained to do precisely on daily basis. Thus, if my school curricular was an actual person and took the Your Political Compass test it should locate the curricular right in the center, where the two lines dividing authoritarian, libertarian and left wing, right wing …show more content…

When viewing those, most of them have a common propensity to it. Which is, although majority (this has been proofed to be true, there are more a less 30 people in our class, we all took the same test and most of us got the same result) of the people stand in the green square, it is most frequent that the parties stand in the blue. In my opinion, a political party should be a representative of a country, this must be their first, second and third priority. Using the powers of authority comes after that, never before, which means that parties cannot start out in the blue square. However, this is partly our fault too. We must not think that the act of voting is for choosing a new leader, which according to the definition above, would most likely be a conservative authoritarian. Despite the fact a country gets innovated with every new borne, the so called leaders will be stuck in the past, and the sad thing is that we do not get a say in it because some of the most historically famous dictators were up there on the authoritarian side as well. What we must think about is choosing someone who is suited as the face of the country, in order to do so, he or she must portray the characteristics of the country. To summarise what I think, most