Library Advantages And Disadvantages

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• Implementing a Knowledge Base is a time‐consuming and labor‐intensive process. The primary objective is to consolidate, into one system, information pulled from a variety of electronic and paper‐based sources.
• They are especially useful for finding information not yet available in books, or obtaining up-to-date information on current events or issues.
• IT provide us with authoritative, accurate, current, objective reference material not readily available through a search engine like Google (more on this later...).
• e-Resources are free to library users, and if you have a BPL card you can access them from any computer with Internet access, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week—you don’t have to wait for the library to open to access …show more content…

E-databases is an organized collection of information of a particular subject or multidisciplinary subject areas, information within e-databases can be searcred and retrieved electronically.
7 Reference database These are many Dictionaries, Almanacs, and Encyclopedias, which are available on internet in electronic format.
8 Statistical database These databases contain the numerical data useful for the mass community. 9 Image collection Due to adventure of e-images facility this type of databases is developed.
10 Multimedia products etc.
11 E-Thesis These databases are contained with PhD thesis and Dissertation published through e-format.
12 E-Clipping The main objective of e-clipping is retrospective search and comprehensive analysis of new items.
13 E-Patents E-patents is the exclusive right granted by the government to make use of an invention for a specific period of time.
14 E-Standards Written definition, limit rule, approved and monitored for co
5. Utilities of E-Resources Now a days the reading materials and information sources are changing from print to electronic.
The selection of E-Resources should be done according to the need and demand of users. As a librarian one should consider the following steps at the time of selection.
a. To know the needs of …show more content…

The number of electronic journals, citation databases, and full-text aggregations held by most libraries has grown rapidly. Managing these electronic resources involves providing the library's user with convenient ways to find and access them and providing library staff with the tools to keep track of them. Most of the Library resources in the recent past are being made available in electronic formats such as e journals, e-books, databases, etc. Libraries are moving from print to e-resources either subscribing individually or through consortia because of it advantages over print resources.
Recent studies show that users prefer e-journals than the print. As licensing electronic resources has greatly increased in recent years, libraries have struggled to control this information in paper files, integrated library systems, separate databases stored on local computers or network.