Life In Wes Moore's Life From His Father

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In this quote, Wes Moore, the narrator is speaking from his house in Baltimore. Wes does not have many memories with his father because his father died when Wes was a little boy.This reveals that Wes had a difficult childhood. Wes looked up to his father because he was his protector. Wes’s only memories with his father are when he made him apologize to his mother and sister for hitting his sister and watching him die

In this quote, Wes Moore, the narrator is speaking about the other Wes Moore and his brother Tony. Wes and his brother Tony both have rough lives and grow up taking drugs and hanging out on the streets. This quote is significant because Wes has no one who believes in him or helps him to change his lifestyle. Wes can not change because no one is there for him. Wes needs someone like his brother Tony to show he believes in him.

In this quote, Wes Moore, the narrator is speaking about how is life is different from the other Wes’s, although they grew up with …show more content…

The narrator Wes realizes you only get one chance and it is what you make of it is what really matters. Life does not last forever. Life constantly changes and this is something that has stuck with Wes since he saw his father die. This reveals that ever since Wes’s father died his life forever changed. He started to realize and see things differently, in a new perspective. Wes knows he must work hard for everything and always try his best because nothing lasts forever. He knows he must work hard so he feels as if he even mattered in life.

When Wes was on the run from the police after killing a cop he ran away to North Philadelphia. This quote is significant because it shows that no matter what Wes will not change his lifestyle. Wherever he goes, he always ends up at a place that feels like home to him. This shows Wes was used to living the hood lifestyle because that is all he knew and was willing to live. Wes shows the reader he does not want to change and better