Life Of Pi Narrative Analysis

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Pi is the protagonist and narrator of the story. He has a deep affinity with religion from a young age. He tells his own experience and shows his religious thoughts in the story. Life of Pi uses unreliable first person narration not only to increase subjectivity of this edge-of-seat adventure by depicting Pi 's frequently philosophical thoughts but also to improve the readers ' affinity for him.
The way in which young Pi retells the whole story of how he survived his days at the Pacific Ocean reveals his religion and faith directly. When Pi nearly gives up, a voice has made itself heard in his heart. "I will not die. I refuse it. I will make it through this nightmare. I have survived so far, miraculously. Now I will turn miracle into routine. …show more content…

He believes that the miracles happen every day. Pi encourages himself to keep on living. He will survive with a Royal Bengal tiger in his lifeboat. He tells his real thoughts directly to the readers. The first narration helps the readers to feel the power of religion and leads them to go into his spiritual world. Pi tells his philosophical thoughts in difficult circumstances directly. "Despair was a heavy blackness that let no light in or out. It was a hell beyond expression. I thank God it always passed. The blackness would stir and eventually go away, and God would remain, a shining point of light in my heart. I would go on loving" (LIFE of PI 288). His philosophical thoughts make the readers believe religion and increase subjectivity of the whole story. He thinks despair has no light. It is filled with darkness. Fortunately, God always passes and gives him strong energy like a "shining point of light in my heart". God 's presence becomes palpable. Pi 's good creativity makes the readers believe God 's presence. The unreliable first person narration reveals Pi 's faith and religion well. It makes the readers believe that his faith and religion support his spiritual world and helps him to get through this nightmare. He has enough …show more content…

Pi carries the readers into the unimaginable adventure and reveals the deep motif of the story by his own description. Disbelief is suspended like Pi lives above the terrible depths of the Pacific Ocean. Although it looks like a simple story, it has a rational theme worth thinking about. When Richard Parker feels hungry and looks very weak on the lifeboat. Pi shouts to him: "Stop your trembling! This is miracle. This is an outbreak of divinity. This is… this is…" (Life of Pi 302). Pi talks with the tiger. It looks like real in the story, but it leaves us a suspension: what is the relationship of Pi and the tiger? The readers cannot know the truth because when Pi starts to retell his story, it seems everything happens in his adventure beyond real life. But they can follow him to enter his magical world. Pi tries to comfort Richard Parker and encourage himself at the same time. The unreliable first person narration reveals his legendary experiences directly and helps the readers to understand his psychological changes. Pi 's faith and religion not only give him positive energy, but also improve his creativity. The way of narration brings the readers into Pi 's marvellous adventure and makes them no longer consider this is just a fantasy story. By his own description, Pi indicates a deep rational theme