Life Of Pi Religious Pluralism

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The award winning film, Life of Pi follows the perspective of a young boy named Pi and introduces the ideas of Religious pluralism. Religious pluralism is simply defined as the ability to practice numerous religions simultaneously and it is clear that after comparing the differences and similarities of the divine nature of god, communication between believers and the divine and life after death between three of the worlds’ largest religions, Hinduism, Islam and Christianity, religious pluralism is in fact possible but only to an extent. Firstly, it is evident that the belief in a supreme divine being amongst the three religions is quite similar. Muslims who happen to be strictly monotheistic only believe in one God whom they refer to as Allah. …show more content…

Communication between a believer and their divine God is demonstrated in similar ways throughout these three Religions. In the Christian faith, Christians devote their time to God by communicating through prayer. Prayer can either be individual or in a church led by a priest. Within the Christian faith, they will often go through the process of baptism, Eucharist, reconciliation and confirmation in order to have a better understanding of God (Religion Facts, 2014). It is stated that communication between man and God and between humans are the two most important types of communication. Communication is merely about talking and more about listening. The ways in which God communicates with his believers are through his holy words in the Bible and through the Holy Spirit (Got Questions, 2014). Unlike the Christian faith, Muslims pray five times a day. The origin behind this is that eleven years after Angel Gabriel appeared to Prophet Muhammed, he had a night vision that Allah had told him to pray five times a day which then led Muhammed to announce the news to all those who believed in the divine that those five prayers are the vehicle where they could experience the journey to the divine presence (Understanding Islam, 2014). These times of prayer are between the first light of dawn and sunrise, after midday, mid-afternoon, sunset and …show more content…

Respectively, Hindus believe in the transmigration of the soul otherwise known as reincarnation. Hindus try to live righteously (dharma) as this will result in good karma and a higher rebirth. Their goal is to achieve moksha (no longer reincarnated) from an endless cycle of rebirths called Samsara to reunite their soul (atman) with Brahman (God/universal soul). On the other hand, Muslims believe in the Day of Judgment and the hereafter which quintessentially means that one day, the universe will be destroyed and the dead will be resurrected for judgment by God (Islam Guide, 2014). It is said that “Those who fulfilled their purpose in life and lived righteously will enter an eternal paradise of pure bliss but in contrast, those who die in a state of transgression against God or oppress others will be led to Hellfire.” (Why Islam, 2014). Likewise, Christians have the same understanding of life after death. Most Christians believe in heaven where believers go upon dying and are freed from sin, suffering and pain (Religion Facts, 2014). Understanding that Hindu’s have a different understanding of life after death from Muslims and Christians, it is clear that religious pluralism would be difficult to put into

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