Life Of Pi Research Paper

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When horrible things happen to people. Healing will depend on the person to determine on how to take on the situation. There are some people that just break down and fall into depression, which is normal for most. The outcome, in that case, could be that one would be living every day in a cage. But there are people that will take the horrible situation and turn it into something amazing. Just like Pi, Raja Mahendra (29) who also had a horrible experience in his life, but when he was just five years old. His friend had challenged him to hold a iron rod into high voltage electric wire. Within seconds, electricity surged through his entire body. The accident resulted into amputation of legs and hands. The story of what happened to Raja is a lot like what happened to Pi, although the actual tragedy is not the same, how they handled and dealt with the tragedy is. Raja went into a depression and just gave up. Since the time of the incident, Raja stayed in his house, …show more content…

The two men didn’t believe the first story therefore, they just wanted the true story of what happened to him. In similarity Raja received a lot of interview calls while job-hunting, but once the interviewers saw him, their attitude changed. Nobody was willing to believe that he would be able to accomplish the work appointed to him. The attitude of society towards him disturbed him, but he continued his search for a job. A lot of people doubted both men, they didn’t believe either of them. They did not give up though, Raja kept looking for a job until someone finally gave him a chance to prove that he is useful although he lost both hands and feet. While Pi continued to explain the point of telling two different stories to the two businessmen and letting them decide on which one they would prefer, the businessmen chose the first story rather than the gruesome