Life Orientation Portfolio Task 2016

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Oagile Tiro Grade 12.1 29 January 2016 Life Orientation Portfolio Task 2016 Question 1: 1.1 Outline the nature of stress that you encounter on a regular basis One of the greatest challenges of being a teenager is to not let life consume all of your time and energy. I struggle with effectively managing workloads and schedules to find time for many other activities, events and responsibilities in my life. This includes time for my academic responsibilities and that comes with my parent expecting higher marks and putting pressure on me to live a better life by having a good career choice and going to a good university. However, with the date getting closer, the matric dance seems to be stressing me a lot, staying in budget for my dress, getting …show more content…

This results in having lees time to prepare for what is to come leading to tremendous impacts on my attitude about life and self-esteem because not having enough time to prepare and practice can affect my marks making me feel like I am not grown and mature enough to handle it. Reducing stress is not as easy as it seems. The ways that seem to work are to find balance by “taking time for self” and being responsible for the decisions you make. 1.3 Describe the reaction you have to stress. I take time for things I cherish and enjoy like spending time with my friends and family, listen to music, get longer sleep and managing my time well. I also try to be realistic and accept that I cannot accomplish too many tasks in a day so I would therefore not procrastinate and not let tasks pile up to an overwhelming burden 1.4 Explore and analyze three methods of stress relief. Maintaining a positive attitude helps with developing tolerance stress that cannot be avoided and restructuring the situations that you face in …show more content…

They might also find it difficult to deal with other responsibilities as a result of trying to focus solely on the upcoming exams like not doing their home works and their assignments/projects. However, other teenagers might use to situation to get their life in order by organising and managing their time better, in doing so they will have time to rest and get their mind to be clear of distractions they might have in their lives. 2.4 Why is this stress harmful to teenagers? Teenagers are having problems adjusting to their new responsibility and changes that occur at that adolescent time. Stress for them would be overwhelming because of their hormones making them think differently and confusing them more. This could lead to them being anti-social as they might isolate themselves because in their mind, nobody understands what they are going through. It could then lead to depression and that could dangerously lead them into suicidal thoughts. 2.5 What does research point to as a means of managing exam

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