Life Without Supply John Smith Analysis

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Life Without Supply Based on the reading from the first two weeks, the writers that I have personally read about, and discussed over the past two weeks did an outstanding job with painting an early picture or our country as currently constructed today. The insight and share blunt honesty in their writings is important for us to examine and recognize as a piece of history. During the early years the European writers were able to capture and provide us with a few pertinent informational facts on Early America and how the colonization and settlement played a major role. Early the settlers thought they would be able to utilize the Indians to help them be successful in the new land. "The Indians, whom the company had counted on for cheap labor, refused both enslavement and incentives to work as free men and women. " (Smith 4) However, this was not the case and the Indians were unwilling to be a part of their …show more content…

The historical significance in this passage is the actions that were utilized with logistics then, are totally different than what we know and accomplish today. This is a quote I would like to highlight "While the ships stayed, our allowance was somewhat bettered by a daily proportion of biscuit, which the sailors would pilfer to sell, give, or exchange with us, for money, sassafras, furs, or love." From what I understand reading this they were willing to pilfer anything from anyone while they awaited the logistics and the resupply process. I would say today our society has successfully solved that problem and it is unquestionably significant in our daily day to day lives. The reason I chose to highlight the area is simple. Logistics is the single utmost important demand needed to survive. I find it completely fascinated all the pieces that are required to come together for supplies to move. That is the reason that I work logistics in the army