Like A Girl Ad Analysis

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When did it become an insult to do something “like a girl”? In the Always #likeagirl original video, the company provides different views on what it means to be a girl and to do activities like a girl. The ad is ultimately a part in a big campaign to help girls realize that performing like a girl is a respectable thing. The company Always is doing this to advertise the brand as one of the best choices to use when girls hit puberty. Always promotes this campaign and its company by providing average girls from different ages and by providing statics to demonstrate their argument. In the first part of the ad, the directors ask a few teenage girls and two boys “what does it mean to run like a girl?” The girls and boys run in place with their …show more content…

These girls run as fast as they can, throw as hard as they can, and fight as tough as they can. This is the emotional appeal because the audience is finally starting to realize the confidence difference between children and teens. Then comes the statement “A girls confidence plummets during puberty. Always can change that.” This is the part that is supporting and actually advertising the company’s name; they use the same font to attract females throughout the play. This can also be supported with the fact that “72% of girls do feel society limits them — especially during puberty.” After the words appear on the screen, one of the teenage girls explains that doing things like a girl is not a bad thing but society makes them feel as if it is. Another teenage girl gives advice to other girls to “keep doing what they are doing because it is working.” She gives a moving speech with background music that viewers can actually feel the powerfulness and effectiveness of. She tells them, “if they say you are doing something like a girl, then you are doing it right.” She makes the point that yes she does things like a girl because she is one. That one girl backs up the whole point that Always is trying make in the most effective way possible. She makes the video because it is the turning point where everyone can grasp that girls can have self-confidence if they don’t let society limit to them.

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