Limitations Of Translation

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Language is a tool of communication for making a relationship between nations and between people from the same or different countries. There are two kinds of meanings in the language which are: literal and figurative. The literal meaning is the direct meaning of words. The figurative meaning, however, does not give the direct meaning of the given words. In order to know the meaning, one has to understand the context. In the case of figurative meaning, the meaning of every single word in an expression does not necessarily do anything in the comprehension of the whole meaning. Such kind of meanings can be found in metaphors, similes and idioms. Nowadays, English is an international language that is used by many people in the world. It is clear that people who want to master English should know how to use its similes, metaphors, idioms, etc…. Translation helps communicating between people who speak different languages. Lack of it can lead to a miscommunication. Catford (1974) defines the translation process as "the replacement of textual material in another language". Focusing on the concept of translation we can notice that the purpose of translation is to reproduce a text in another language and thus making it available to wider readers. Producing well-trained translators is a very important task; because a good translator can convey the message of a given text correctly. Translating idioms is one of the most difficult tasks for translators since the