Analysis Of Tribute Money By Brancaccio

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Mosaccio’s painting, The Tribute Money was painted during the Italian Renaissance in 1427. This painting is found inside the Brancacci Chapel in Florence, and it is just one piece of art amongst many inside the chapel. Each painting shows a different story of the biblical figure Saint Peter. The Tribute Money in particular shows Jesus telling Saint Peter to search for a coin inside a fishes mouth, and use that coin to pay the temple tax. Mosaccio is the painter that is most known to incorporate linear perspective in his paintings during the Italian Renaissance. Diego Velázquez’s painting, Las Meninas, was painted during the Spanish Baroque in 1656. Velázquez created this painting for King Philip IV. The center of this image is the Kings daughter being attended by the maids. This painting has been analyzed for …show more content…

In Medieval art, figures and the background were disproportional, but thanks to an architect named Filippo Brunelleschi who created a 3D grid that allowed painters to have dimensionality in their paintings while on a 2D surface. In The Tribute Money, the grid is not incorporated quite yet. However, Mosaccio, understands that the building behind the figures should be getting smaller as they move farther back in the painting. Massacio also uses the play of light and shadow called chiaroscuro to give the painting dimension. The fact that the figures have shadows gives them a realistic look, and not just flat on the canvas as the figures in Medieval art. The vanishing point in The Tribute Money, is on Jesus’ head, which is the area on the painting that the viewers eyes are lead to. In Las Meninas, linear perspective along with shadows is used to show three-dimensionality in the paining as well. However, compared to The Tribute Money, Las Meninas’ is much better at making the figures and the background look extremely