Linear Perspective In The Music Lesson

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Linear perspective is an illusion given by two parallel lines to represent depth and perception. The further the two parallel lines are the closer they look. For example, when you are walking down a long hallway, the further you look the closer the parallel lines appear to be. It may even look as though they are touching. In The Music Lesson, linear perspective appears by the edge of the wall (left hand) where the two parallel lines seem closer because of the distance, the floor tiles, the square of the windows, and the two cast shadows of the mirror. On the other hand, there is no linear perspective in nature. And, because of that, linear perspective is not in the Yosemite Valley painting. Size perspective is the way objects look closer or further in the picture. Meaning, if the object is closer, it will look bigger and if the object is further it will look smaller. In the Yosemite Valley painting, the mountains, trees, and rocks appear to be different sizes because of the distance that each of them has. For example, the trees on the left side appear bigger than the trees in the middle and right side. The same thing happens with the mountains and rocks. Furthermore, in the Music Lesson, the squares of the windows appear bigger to …show more content…

To be precise, in the Yosemite Valley painting, the trees are covering the rock, rocks are covering the trees, and the left mountain is covering the sun and some parts of the clouds. Also, the front left mountain is taller, covering some parts of the other mountain next to it. In the Music Lesson, the chair is covering part of the guitar, the table is covering some tiles and part of the chair, parts of the woman dress is cover by the chair. To add, the lid of the harpsichord is covering lower parts of the mirror, the woman is covering part of the harpsichord, and the table and chair cover parts of the man’s body and