Linguistic Message In Saga

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The linguistic messages in Saga is spacely intentional and aware. The Title Saga is in an orange font while the S is capitalized. In the lower left of the Sage is a small ™ symbol to represent that works and content in Saga are trademarked. Above the title, is the writer Brian K. Vaughan and artist Fiona Staples in black font, smaller text than the title. Both of the names are equally space and conveys that both have equal merit. The names are all capitalized, which conveys their importance to the work and content. The text chapter and one is below saga on the lower right. Chapter is in a different font than any of text, but it in smaller font than the title and the writer and artist text. Chapter is in black font. The text one is below chapter and is in bigger text and the color is a light blue color. Saga and Chapter One text conveys that the storytelling is mimicking the book format by having chapters. Saga, the definition of Saga means “a long, involved story, account, or series of incidents”. Chapter also conveys the idea that the story will not be serialization, but more of storytelling …show more content…

As both of the characters have different skin tones, but also have a different “alienness”. If we presumed that the baby is theirs, by the baby’s skin tone and little horns from her father. That both of their species can reproduce with each other. Their display of public affection in cover, seems that they are open about their relationship and their child. Their imagery has an openness and closeness that very hard to describe. We don't get enough imagery of mothers breastfeeding their children period, but the tabooness of a mother holding a gun while breastfeeding her child. This has many implications that this family dynamic is not traditional, but we see them in a traditional family setting. She is openly breastfeeding and is look at the reader, which is