Linus Pauling: The Curiosity Of Science

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“Satisfaction of one's curiosity is one of the greatest sources of happiness in life.” This is a quote by Linus Carl Pauling an American chemist who has made many beneficial scientific finding. Linus Pauling was a curious child and set off to satisfy that growing hunger for knowledge. Pauling’s curiosity in science, specifically chemistry, became one of the greatest sources of happiness in his life like he said. Pauling’s interest in science and his need to satisfy it ended him up with two Nobel Prizes in his lifetime, a rare feat. Linus Pauling curiosity of science, has jumped-started the world of modern chemistry and molecular biology and has made important advances in medical research. Linus Pauling is the son of Lucy and Herman Pauling and was born on February 28, 1901 in …show more content…

Leaving more than 400,000 journals, scientific writings, papers, models, and other scientific memorabilia to his undergraduate alma mater, Oregon State University. Pauling had such a passion for science that he continued working and publishing books and finding new scientific discoveries until he was over eighty years old. Pauling’s love dedication, and scientific discoveries had a lasting effect on the science community. Such an effect that two years after his death The Linus Pauling Institute of Science and Medicine moved to Oregon State University and becomes the Linus Pauling Institute. In conclusion Linus Pauling did not have the best childhood in the world. But, he did not let these unfortunate events cripple him. Overcoming all difficulties in his life Linus Pauling pursued his childhood love for chemistry and turned it into his adult career. His curiosity for chemistry and science in general resulted in him winning not one but two Nobel Prizes, that are unshared. Linus Pauling pursued his childhood love of science and in the end became a highly important figure in the science