List Logical Fallacies Committed By Two Jurors

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1. List logical fallacies committed by two jurors. Were these fallacies pointed out to them? Explain. Juror #4 “It’s no secret children from slums are potential menaces to society.” Juror #10 “The kids who craw out of these places are real trash.” This fallacy was addressed by juror #5, as he stated “I’ve lived in a slum all my life.” Juror #5 was meaning that not all children raised in slums where criminals, as he sat in the jury well-dressed among the others. This is a hasty generalization fallacies, suggesting that all kids of that day are children from slums trash or menaces to society. Juror #3 It’s these kids, the way they are now a days. No other juror expressed a rebuttal on this point. This is a hasty generalization fallacies, …show more content…

Pick two jurors and state their claims for voting how they did at the beginning of the deliberation and the warrants that underlie their claim. Juror #2 says “I just think he’s guilty (claim). Nobody proved otherwise” (warrant). He elaborates “I just think he’s guilty. I mean somebody saw him do it” (warrant 2). Juror #8 argued his claim for a not guilty verdict base on the inadequate defense and the two witnesses’ with flimsy recognition of their testimony (claim). Supporting his claim of not guilty, he questions the witness’s statements contradicted each other by stating that a train was going by at the same time of the murder. This would make it difficult for the old man witness to hear (warrant). Also the old man said he was able to see the boy fleeing, even though his mobility was diminished due to a physical disability. Making it doubtful the old man was able to see the boy in the stair way (warrant). 3. Give two examples in the movie of arguments being governed by emotion. Give two examples of arguments being governed by logic. Emotion: Juror #3 started early in the movie arguing for a guilty verdict “I just want to talk about facts.” However, near the end of the film we learn that his decision of a guilty verdict is based from the broken relationship with his son “rotten kids, you work your life out…” after an emotional fit he says cured up in a ball “not

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