Listening To Pompey's Earnest

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Upon my first arrival in Pompey’s back yard, there was an eerily familiar feeling. It reminded me of home, Trinidadians joking with one another, steel pan echoing through the room, as though every individual was moving to their own beat. In Earnest, the room sounded as though not everyone was quite sure what they were doing. However, as soon as most of the band was there and ready to start, the orchestra began to synchronize and sound like a unit. Ensuring that I have my work cut out for me. As more and more people began to get on beat, the sound came together. I found myself singing it in my head once all of the pieces were there, “When I get that feeling, I want sexual healing”. Right when I caught myself singing the sound I looked across to one of the men’s wives and saw here smile as she saw me really enjoying the resonance that was playing in that small room. …show more content…

I remember listening to them speak about it, my father said, “Tenor pan is the sweetest sound in the orchestra, you simply cannot have a good sound without it.” I think he feels that way because a great amount of the calypso from Scrunter and Sparrow that he listens to has tenor playing in the background. On the other hand, my mother loves cello a lot and described it as, “The REAL pan that keeps the orchestra