Literary Analysis Of Everyday Use By Alice Walker

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“Everyday Use” by Alice Walker Literary genius is a term thrown around often in this day and time. Many might say that the literary world has been diluted. However, if there is one who deserves that title, it is Alice Walker. It is especially so for her piece, ‘Everyday Use’. The short story was first published in 1973 as part of the author’s short story compilation. The collection was aptly named ‘In love and trouble’. The Pulitzer Prize winner uses the book to interrogate how black women deal with race identity and racism in the United States. This writer shall offer an analysis of the short story. Character Creation The first thing one notices when going through the book is the effort the author put into developing the characters. She gives the reader both physical and emotional descriptions of the main ones. Mama is an apparently a laid back and very caring human being. One feels the motherhood radiating as she sits outside waiting for Dee. Any person who has been away from home will know the feeling of coming home and having a mother waiting. Even as she is waiting for Dee, her brain is still on her other daughter who is home and who is emotionally distraught. She seems to be brutal in her assessment of her daughters, but one gets the feeling that it is out of love. For example, she says that Dee has become ungrateful and uppity since she got her new life. She however daydreams of the day they will meet on a talk show, and her daughter will thank her. She muses, "I am