Persepolis is a graphic bildungsroman by Marjane Satrapi which is based on Satrapi’s childhood memories and her coming of age throughout the novel. At the start of the book, Marji is 10 years old, living in Iran, when she starts talking about her childhood and she ends the book by going to France at the age of 24. She is also interested in knowing about war and politics. Surroundings that people grow in can affect and influence them in many ways. Marji talks about the laws and problems that she and her family face. As a protagonist, she moves from one place to another and finds it challenging to express what she feels and thinks as an outsider. It is also challenging for her to change from a child to a woman before having her own identity. I will prove how Marji’s experience affects her coming of age as an outsider, I will talk about the chapter entitled “The Pasta” which would relate to Marji’s adolescence. This will allow me to show how Satrapi's style can leave an impact on the …show more content…
The bold illustrations that Marjane Satrapi has shown can make the readers feel that she is symbolizing Iran as a black-white country as per as she doesn’t use colors. Satrapi uses various kind of literary devices which makes exaggerate her thoughts. The readers could explicate the tone that she wanted to show visually and verbally. For example, there were some parts of the book which would show seriousness. On the other hand, some parts would show sadness when someone would be dead or worried. Persepolis can be a perfect example that can leave an impact on the readers about the issues that are addressed. For example, the unfair treatment of women in society or inequality between men and women, religion vs modernity, and etc. Reading such kind of novels can help the readers understand the world more