Literary Interpretation In Katherine Mansfield's The Garden Party

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The excerpt we are going to focus on comes from the short story The Garden Party. It was written in 1922 by the prominent writer Katherine Mansfield who was a modernist and even close friends with famous writers such as Virginia Woolf and D.H. Lawrence. There is a homodiegetic narrator and the text is descriptive, but also straightforward and economical through the use of short sentences. This, together with the lack of connective words or parataxis, as well as the ordinary vocabulary, allows the reader to carry on their reading flowingly. Furthermore, we can note the peculiar focalization called ' 'within from without ' ' or « stream of consciousness » which means that the reader has a direct access to the protagonist 's thoughts and emotions. The authorial voice and Laura 's voice overlap each other ; thus lead to a change of perspectives in addition to a notion of orality. The French translations we will analyze were written in 2000 and 2002. The first one was made by Ann Grieve and was published by a bilingual edition, Les langues pour tous, and the second one was made by Françoise Pellan and published by Folio Gallimard. Though they are from the same period, the beginning of the 21th century, so around 80 years after the publication of the short story, they are still different. There are numerous rhetorical questions and asides, sometimes exclamative, throughout the text : All these provide a sense of closeness between the reader and Laura. The interjections are