Fahrenheit 451 Essay

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Television is capable of entertaining, but books will teach and go beyond. The social and political attitudes ( public feelings of ethics and politics) towards books in Fahrenheit 451 is highly negative, and books or even considered evil by many. This is a society that has based mainstream social life off of television and has found the necessity of books as minuscule and almost nonexistent centuries ago. Ray Bradbury (author of Fahrenheit 451) noticed that something like this was almost starting to begin in the early 1950s. Bradbury uses the points of showing the advantages society has by keeping books relevant combined with the dark image of what a world with no literature is really like. In addition to all of this, the pace of the story can put you into an almost identical mindset of the characters.It is extremely effective and truly convinces the reader how important not only the book that is being read actually is, but how significant all books can be. Not to mention how dystopian a world lacking such important influences can end up being. As previously stated, the world of the future in Bradbury’s story has its flaws, but what is wrong beyond never …show more content…

The book starts with Guy Montag walking back from work and meeting his new neighbors eccentric daughter while he is on his way home. Soon after but not too soon, Guy is ordered to burn a woman along with her books. From there on we are taken into the mind of Montag pages at a time, and the knowledge of what is really going on comes to us only when Montag learns, so we are left trying to piece together everything along with Guy throughout the story. This method is immensely successful because we are enabled to see what we really think about this portrayal of the