Literary Techniques In Elie Wiesel's Asterios Polyp

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Asterios Polyp is a very well developed, easily analysed, novel due to the extensive work on inner meanings. One thing that the book translates so well is a sense of character. It does this in various ways that most novels lack the ability to do; such as color, text, and general art. On a given page with word bubble dialogue most readers can pick up the recurrence of text being askewed to particular fonts accordingly to certain people. Less may see that these font style represent them as a person.

All the fonts are not just different from each other due to the character, they are also personalized regardless of personality similarities. This can be seen on (page 173), although the men that Asterios is shaking hands with are similar to him in terms of logical men. They all have a different font, as well as bolding and differently shaped word bubbles. The way there words are transcended are supposed to in turn show them as a person beyond telling. Making this quick through showing. …show more content…

Asterios is a logical thinker he believes things are either one way or another. This transpires through his boxed word bubbles and generic font with regular size, while his twin, Ignazio, has large, slightly italicized font with rounded, fluffy word bubbles (possibly a louder person with a more intriguing personality (page