Literature Review: General Impacts Of Climate Change On Coffee

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Literature review
General impacts of climate change on coffee
Temperature and rainfall conditions are important factors in defining potential coffee yield, as they interfere in the crop phenology, productivity and quality. The Arabica coffee plant responds sensitively to increasing temperatures, during blossoming and fructification. Marcelo Camargo from the Agronomic Institute of the University of Campinas in Brazil (IAC) states that mean temperatures above 23°C hinder the development and ripening of cherries and a continuous exposure to daily temperatures as high as 30°C could result in reduced growth or even in yellowing and loss of leaves. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Eco-Crop model gives information on optimal and absolute temperatures for coffee Arabica, ranging from 14°C to 28°C and 10°C to 30°C. Additionally, (FAO, 2012) reports that, besides the direct impacts of fluctuating temperatures and rainfall on the coffee crop, there is increased disease emergence and/or intensification of the occurrence of certain insect pests and diseases like coffee berry borer (CBB) was previously nonexistent at above 1600masl (Le Pelley, 1968) but now found at 1864masl (Kyamanywa et al., 2009), out-breaks of coffee twig borer in central and south-western Uganda (Egonyu et al., 2009), Intensification of coffee lace bug, stem borer and root mealybug in Eastern Uganda (UCDA, 2008), general decline in soil fertility due to floods – leakage,

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