Little Girls Essay For Kids

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Little Girls are supposed to melt their daddy’s hearts. That is common knowledge for many in the world, that men can be heartless and cruel, but when they look down at their newborn daughter, their hearts melt, and they come to know that they have created something precious and fragile, and commit themselves to loving and caring for this new little life. Dad teaches their little girls about the world, showing them the many dangers that await them, and protect them from those dangers for as long as they can. They chase away the young boys who only have one thing on their mind, comfort them and give them all the strength that they possess.

A daughter is supposed to melt her daddy’s heart, and make him into a better man then all the years …show more content…

She didn’t dare to let his food get burnt; she had learned that lesson many times in the past.

“Hurry up and finish, if you’re going to feed me slop, it shouldn’t take all day to make it.” She had lived with him long enough to know that he liked her food, but just didn’t care for her. She knew the food must smell good, and it was an important day for her, she wanted to make something he liked to put him in….a less bad mood. She quickly finished and made his plate and something to drink for him, and carried it the table, putting it in front of him. She stood beside him, waiting in case he needed anything.

He took a bite of his food, then turned and looked at her, his usual frown at the taste. “Grab something to eat and sit down, today is a very special day for both of us.” She was stunned, and a smile came to her lips, despite herself. She quickly made herself a plate and sat down at the table, waiting before eating any of the food she made for herself. She couldn’t remember the last time she had eaten with her father at the table, but it being her 18th birthday, she was overjoyed. He had remembered, and he had good news. This was more then she had