Little League World Series Informative Speech

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At the end of my presentation, the audience will be able to explain the reasoning why the Little League World Series makes kids strive to succeed in the sport of baseball. So, I wrote this speech a little while ago so bear with me, four score and seven years……. oh I apologize that’s the wrong speech. So for starters….(start into Relevancy Statement). My topic is relevant to you because if you have kids or want to have kids you should get them involved in sports, my presentation specifically supports why they should play baseball or softball. Based off of watching the Little League World Series personally and being older than the kids playing it makes me want to be a better player. I have conducted a survey on a local eleven-year-old boy who …show more content…

For starters we need to jump back in time to…. (start first main point in body paragraph 1). In 1938, a man named Carl Stotz hit upon the idea for an organized baseball league for the boys in his hometown of Williamsport, Pennsylvania. His idea was to provide a wholesome program of baseball for the boys of Williamsport, as a way to teach them the ideals of sportsmanship, fair play and teamwork. Since then, sponsorship of Little League both at the local league level and at the Headquarters level have helped to keep costs to parents to a minimum. On June 6, 1939, in the very first Little League game ever played, Lundy Lumber defeated Lycoming Dairy, 23-8. The Little League Baseball World Series is an annual baseball tournament for children aged 11 to 13 years old. While the Little League Baseball World Series is frequently referred to as just the Little League World Series, it is actually one of nine tournaments sponsored by Little League International. The development and mindset of most kids on average is displayed in speaking with one eleven-year-old in Harrisburg a suburb of Charlotte. …show more content…

Landon Polk weighed in on the sportsmanship shown in the Little League World Series, he states “Seeing how respectful the guys are playing makes me want to respect the game as much as they do". The Little League World Series makes some children strive to play the sport and others to be as good at them, Polk says “Watching all the boys play inspires me to work hard to be as good as them.” We all have a competitive side, but this is how it is shown in baseball. How the Little League World Series shows the competitive side and the side that promotes good sportsmanship. The Little League World Series shows the competitive side of youth baseball because you are playing to be a World Champion and people will do whatever it takes to become a World Champion. The Little League World Series shows the competitive side of youth baseball because you are playing to be a World Champion and people will do whatever it takes to become a World Champion. The Little League World Series shows a great deal of sportsmanship because a rule is that each team has to shake hands with the other at the completion of every game.