Little Rock High School Research Paper

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Little Rock Desegregation The desegregation of the Little Rock High School was a watershed moment in the US history. In the month of September 1957, 9 blacks kids were chosen to enter a white school with the help of the president, Dwight Eisenhower, but were blocked out of the school by the national guard ordered by Orval Faubus. Behind his decision was a mob of racist whites. The causes of these events were the existence of Jim Crow laws in the South, the Brown vs the Board of Education decision and the massive resistance of racist whites. The consequences of these events are the conflict between the state and federal forces, the closing of all Little Rock schools and the Supreme Court intervening again. The first cause of the Little Rock …show more content…

the Board of Education decision. The National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People (NAACP) was one of the groups that led the Black Civil Rights Movement. The NAACP launched an equalisation campaign for better facilities and funding for the black people after the Plessy vs. Ferguson but it failed so they chose the Linda Brown case. The case was about a 7 year old girl who had to travel miles to get to her Black school when there was a white school just blocks from her house. The Supreme Court overturned Plessy vs. Ferguson 9-0 and ruled integration with “all deliberate speed”. This made room for delay so the NAACP chose Little Rock as a test case to force …show more content…

The Arkansas governor, Orval Faubus, blocked the 9 black kids from entering the school with the help of the national guard and a mob of racist whites. The federal judge, Richard Davies, ordered Faubus to stand down instead he refused and sent in the national guard to surround the school and block the 9 black kids from entering. The President Dwight Eisenhower got control of the Arkansas national guard and removed them on the 20th of September 1957. Orval Faubus then sent in the state police and now claims that he is protecting the 9 black kids but still locking them from entering the school. Eisenhower had to send in the 101st airborne to federalise the national guard and protect the black students while entering the

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