Living Alone On The Island When He Went Away Analysis

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Have you ever thought about living alone on an island with a little shelter? Well this story is based on a troubled kid that changes throughout the book all because he was all alone and thought about the little things he has done and been through. He was sent to this island for beating a kid so bad that the kid has permanent damages to his body. Cole has changed, here’s how. Cole is a young man in his teens. He is a very troubled boy. Cole likes to fight, steal, and rob places. The last thing he has done was broken into a hardware store. He decided to go to school and brag that he broke in. He beat up Peter Driscal a student at the school because he was the one to rat on Peter. He beat him up so bad that he left permanent damage. Peter is now suffering brain damage. Cole was sent to jail after the beating. Cole needs to change and get his act together because if he doesn’t he has a long rough road ahead of him. Cole has change by not being so violent. He also doesn’t take things out on people anymore. He additionally forgave his father …show more content…

When Peter beat up Cole, Cole didn’t fight back. Cole would usually fight back and stand his ground against people. When Peter brought Cole to the ground Peter kept saying fight back you coward. “The hammer kept hitting”. “Stop” Cole gasped. “Please stop!” “Then fight back you coward!” Peter screamed like a madman. (page 236). Cole has always been a fighter. He would always stand his ground and fight back. Cole was trying to tell Peter that he wasn’t gonna fight back which made Cole look like a coward. “I’m not going to fight you.” (page 236). Cole is trying his hardest to prove that he isn’t a fighter anymore and that he has changed. Peter has finally stopped beating Cole at this point and went to his knees crying. When Cole said that he isn’t gonna fight back that Peter just gave up. This seems to me that Cole has changed a lot by this