Lois Simmie Analysis

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Lois Simmie, born June 11, 1932 in Edam Saskatchewan is an acclaimed author who specializes in children 's literature, brings forth a tale of love, betrayl and murder. Lois spent time teaching in Saskatoon Saskatchewan and many factual points are made throughout this biographical murder mystery. Lois paints a picture of a man with good intentions who unveils himself through his heinus acts. She sheds light on Polly 's story and shares her background and life events in an effort to haomage to who Polly Hutchison was as a wife, mother , and woman in love. Through Jack and Polly 's story Lois also captures her reader by sharing the history of the RCMP and the evolution of detective work as well.

Sgt. John Wilson is a biography set in the 1900 's, it is a story of tragity and ill fated love. What once was a promising budding romance ends at the hands of a compulsive liar who is constantly out running his last lie. John Wilson, an emigrant from Scottland, leaves his pregnant wife and a child behind to seek out a new life in …show more content…

As a reader we are lead to believe that he has intentions of returning. His wife Polly has full belief in her partner and not once does it cross her mind that her love is foulable so dutifully she stays behind in her home land. Although he seeks a life in the burgeoning city of Saskatoon his health deters him and in 1914 he takes on the role of mounty where he vows to uphold the law. The reader is taken through a series of events that soon prove John Wilson not to be a man of strong character. John falls for a younger woman in his time of need and proves he will do anything to win her hand in marriage, much to the detriment of his loving wife