Posner's Case Closed In Response To Oliver Stone

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Now, I seriously do not like slamming, or hating on people. You know, actually I’m not. I’m elucidating what’s true and what’s not. Alright...basically the two top authors of the Oswald did-it crowd are (of course) Bugliosi and Wall Street lawyer Gerald Posner. This is a whole other story! In the early 1990s, Posner, a “slick-but-verbose defender” of the lone gunman theory, published Case Closed in response to Oliver Stone’s ’91 film JFK. In only two years, the newcomer Posner claimed to have finally solved the case! The response? He was given ten times the air time as the Warren Commission’s critics. “The media,” WC critic Lance Moore factually points out, “uncritically jumped on board and praised it as a brilliant expose of the …show more content…

I mean, if you’re attempting to SOLVE the damn case, shouldn’t you make sure you have EVERYTHING right? Nope. Not Gerald. Perhaps he thought he was doing everything right. OR...perhaps not. Reading just a few reviews by HONEST critics, I was beyond shocked. Call this an expose if you want, but I swear to you readers, I’m not the first to point all this out. Posner... • He condemns all who do not agree with the official conclusions as theories driven by conjectures. • He often presents the opposite of what the evidence says. Get this...fun fact: Posner and Bugliosi ultimately agree on the same conclusion that Oswald did it...yet Bugliosi calls Posner’s work “a biased prosecutor’s brief.” You know, its not often someone who believes the same thing as someone else gets factually called out and schooled (correctly, might I add) by that other person, who, as biased just as much as the other one is, ALSO has things wrong too. So lets have a little fun, shall we? These are but a few of the many errors of Case Closed, as written by David