
Loneliness In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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Don’t believe everything that you think.Classics like Of Mice and Men should stay in the curriculum of the ninth graders because it shows the realities of people in a different time period.Classics should stay in the curriculum because of the values the are shown to students in our school that’s not in the time periods and how they live and how our readers can relate to the characters in the novel. For example in Of Mice and Men John Steinbeck uses loneliness a lot in this novel. Crooks best represents the concept of loneliness because he is in that barn and doesn’t have anybody to talk to or be with and no one likes him because of his skin color and he is isolated from the other people on the ranch. The reader can really feel how Crooks feels because how he has no body until chapter 4, when Lennie and Candy come into his room for the night and talk to him and he tells them …show more content…

Even though this was written from a different time period our readers can still relate to it in different ways. The other side would say that the book doesn’t really challenge the kids that it shows then the wrong to do like when Lennie kills curley's wife that it is ok to do that when it’s not on page 91.Or that it could offend other people like blacks or women. However it can show challenges towards the students that are reading the novel. That Lennie does somethings as well George that are not that right that we can be challenged to think about and get in there minds and think why they did what they did. This shows how it should be in the curriculum because we can learn from this and actually have reasons to why we did what we did and we can take away a lot from this that teaches us what not to do. That it teaches them animal terms that Lennie does a lot of during this book especially at the beginning when he is drinking the water like a dog. Also Darwin’s theory of the survival of the fittest because Lennie must die to show the weak in the society who are unfit

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