
Loneliness Quotes From Brave New World

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What did John mean when he said “If one’s different, one’s bound to be lonely” in the story Brave New World? What I think John meant was that when people are different from others, they might feel excluded because they don't typically fit in with those certain types of people because they can have certain types of differences they like and don't like or they can have different liking's which can cause them to feel lonely and feel like they don't have a social life and making it hard for them to express their feelings and their actions towards other people. But it can also be good for the person that is feeling lonely because they can experience life by doing things by themselves and not counting on others to do those things for them. Why did John the Savage say that? He said that because he was also experiencing loneliness and feeling …show more content…

I chose this quote because it really spoke to me since I'm always left out in friend groups, and I know how it feels to be alone and not have anyone around to help you do certain things and not have the support that other people might have from their friends or family. It’s hard being the outsider of friend groups or in general because certain people might see you as weird or they won't accept you as a person for being yourself but it also gives you advantages to speak out for yourself, better yourself in being more confident, and you can offer unique perspectives and experiences to the world and your own life and I just think that it’s okay to be different not everyone is going to like you for who you are because you are your own person and sometimes being lonely can help you in certain ways in the end. life because it can better you and make you stronger. By trying to better yourself it might also help you realize that all you need in life is yourself, you are your own friend and that's fine, I enjoy my own peace and my own company so I'm not ashamed of being different from

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