Long Standing Issues Regarding The Identification Of Gifted Students With Learning Disabilities

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What are the “long-standing issues regarding the identification of gifted students with learning disabilities?” (Buica-Belciu & Popovici, 2014) This article looks at the problems and the effects that come with of keeping a child who is considered gifted but also has a learning disability and putting that child in a classroom that is strictly for learning disability students. In the article three subcategories were made for the students that are special need but are also gifted are that the gifted students are labeled as under achievers; therefore have a learning disability, gifted students with severe learning disabilities who are diagnosed as learning disability students, and students whose giftedness and learning disability overshadow each other. III. Procedure In this article the first step to helping gifted learning disability students is to identify them. The first step is to find out if the student has a learning disability then narrow down and identify the student’s learning disability. The second step is to testing the student to see if they have dual exceptionality markers or in this case gifted. The third step is to identify what type of classroom or program is available to …show more content…

There is difficult in finding these students because of the financial strain it causes. These is generally not very much funding to the special needs programs in the schools and so there is not much money for the student to get both tests. Resulting in the student staying in the special needs classroom and their gifted abilities being untreated and unnoticed. While you could put them in a regular gifted program they would struggle because of their learning disability. The authors conclude that more effective and less cost effective interventions to find these children are yet to come, allowing these students to get the help they

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