Long Term Effects Of Poverty On Children Essay

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The Effects of Poverty on Children;
Taking on Child Poverty

Poverty, also called penury, is the deprivation of standard necessities that determine the quality of life. Poverty can affect basic needs such as food, clothing, shelter, and the deprecation of education. Many children in the U.S. who live in poverty will experience more physical health problems and mental disorders and children are more susceptible to extreme poverty than adults.
Many people argue that children who experience full poverty will not stay in poverty. However, this is not the case. Robert Lee Wagmiller explains in the article, Childhood and Intergenerational Poverty: The Long-Term Consequences of Growing up Poor – NCCP. “Few adults who did not experience poverty during …show more content…

Children in poverty are more prone to inadequate nutrition as well as other factors. For example, in the article Prevalence and Correlates of Multidimensional Child Poverty in India during 2015–2021: A Multilevel Analysis Jalandhar Pradhan explains, “Children in extreme poverty are affected differently from adults, mainly by inadequate nutrition, exposure to stress, and lack of early learning, resulting in lifetime poverty”. Children who are exposed to poverty, are more exposed to harmful factors to both their physical health as well as their mental health. Many people argue that a children’s body adapts more easily to its environment than an adult’s. Jessica Booth says in It’s True — Your Child Is *Way* More Adaptable than You, & Here’s Why “Because children have less world experience and knowledge, they are not able to think about all of the consequences of a given situation and do not yet have an adaptable skills set to handle a situation they have never faced before”. This demonstrates how children can be more unknowledgeable about their environment since they do not fully understand the results of their own environment and its effects. Causing a reaction that is not processed as adaptive, but instead is processed as a survival technique which causes a dismissal of the results of their physical …show more content…

Many countries including the U.S need to address child poverty as a real problem. The Unicef in Child Poverty describes, “The consequences are grave. Worldwide, the poorest children are twice as likely to die in childhood than their wealthier peers. For those growing up in humanitarian crises, the risks of deprivation and exclusion surge. Even in the world’s richest countries, one in seven children still live in poverty. Today, one in four children in the European Union are at risk of falling into poverty. No matter where they are, children who grow up impoverished suffer from poor living standards, develop fewer skills for the workforce, and earn lower wages as adults.Yet, only a limited number of Governments have set the elimination of child poverty as a national priority”. This describes how to take the effects of child poverty as a real and national problem. Many funds for poverty are not enough to maintain a supportive lifestyle. The U.S needs to invest more into children in poverty since there are more children in poverty compared to