Long Term Effects Of The Spanish American War After The War And Modern Day?

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Research paper for American Horizons, pages, 651 - 680 When Spanish – American War had occurred, and ended it impacted these two countries both in many ways. The Spanish – American War caused many long- term effects such as debates on the idea of imperialism, the ownership of colonies, and with how colonies reacted to being owned. What were the overall long-lasting effects of the Spanish- American War after the war and modern day? America was in need for more consumers to buy the products that were being overly produced. As well as there being a need for more raw materials, which these two created the perfection reasons to enter the global competition to obtain colonies. When American went to Cuba’s aid to fight against Spain, the Spanish …show more content…

Some people agreed and others not so much, with the idea of America becoming a country who would take part in imperialism such as how other European countries were doing so. The people that did not agree with America going through with this then created a type of league which was a group formed to battle the idea on colonizing other countries. This league was named the American Anti-Imperialist League. The overall goal for this group was to help make America realize what type of country they were and how they fought for the same reasons that the Philippines were then fighting for. That America had fought for Independence themselves away from being controlled by a monarchy, why deprive the Philippines from having the same opportunity in creating their own government. Whereas there were many Americans who thought that America should partake in imperialism. These Americans were called Imperialist, they mainly believed that America was bound to prosper in this way of colonizing other countries and that they should continue doing so. One major argument between the two groups was when the Treaty of Paris arose. This Treaty was created in order to allow a peace ending to the whole war. This Treaty stated that Spain was to give Cuba its independence and permit colonization of the lands in Puerto Rico, Guam, and The Philippines over …show more content…

The Philippines had decided that they would not be held down from another country yet again from gaining their independence Thus, this rebellion caused the war known as the Philippine – America War. This had caused harmful effects to both countries overall with torturing one another soldiers and killing villagers within the Philippines. After 2 years of continuously trying to tame the Philippines, America finally decided to allow them to have their own independence. Whereas with Puerto Rico they reacted in a more signified way. Considering how America allowed them to become U.S. citizens they began migrating over to America to find more work and opportunities. Still today, Puerto Rico continues to be a territory of the United States. The sources analyzed for this answer were mainly articles and even a news article from when the Spanish- American War was. One article that was used was from a government provided websites that showed information came from and how it was linked to other factual evidence from the same