Look Out New World Here We Come Analysis

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Social institutions shape the way animation portrays gender and race. Animation pushes to categorize characters to show distinction of privilege. In their article, “Look Out New World, Here We Come’? Race, Racialization, and Sexuality in Four Children’s Animated Films by Disney, Pixar, and DreamWorks”, Carmen R. Lugo-Lugo and Mary K. Bloodsworth-Lugo states that “Even though animals are anthropomorphized in children’s films, these films also, unfailingly, racialize nonhuman characters in the process to show classism”. (Lugo-Lugo & Bloodsworth-Lugo, 3) Media uses animation to show how hierarchies play a huge role in the way characters live their life in a racialize setting. In her article, “Dismantling Gender Polarization and Compulsory Heterosexuality: Should We Turn the Volume Down or Up?”, Sandra Lipsitz Bem argues that the privilege status of the two-and-only-two that are currently treated as normal and natural. The two categories of gender show that the patriarchal society strives to push the ideal of only two know genders because anything beyond that will create confusion and otherness. The television show Adventure Time pushes the boundaries of gender and race because the characters shown that otherness is acceptable form of life to live. Adventure time gives a place for otherness to express how hierarchies play an insignificant role in their reality.

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