Lord Of The Flies Courage Essay

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The conflict between fear and courage is a theme present in many popular forms of literature and fiction. One such example is Golding’s portrayal of fear in his novel “Lord of the Flies”, showing fear as not just an abstract concept, but as contagious—and dangerous—element able to destroy the strongest of societies. Using literary techniques such as symbolism, Imagery, and conflict, Golding is able to portray the extent at which fear had spread amongst the characters, destroying relationships and even taking the lives of others.

Symbolism is an element heavily used in the novel, from the very first chapter with the conch, to the very end with the fire. A major instance of symbolism in the novel is the Beast. Starting as the materialization …show more content…

The hair on their foreheads fluttered and flames blew out sideways from the fire. FIfteen yards away from them came the popping noise of fabric blown open.” (Page 98, Paragraph 2). The scene at which the twins take in the sight of the flying beast—which is actually just a dead body with a parachute attached—is described in detail, helping the reader take part in the feelings that the twins had, the feelings which prompted their actions. The true danger of actions caused by fear is recognised when one can effectively put themselves in the shoes of someone who is afraid, and vivid imagery helps portray such …show more content…

Such conflict is used to highlight the differences in their natures, Jack acting as a ‘foil’ to Ralph. “‘The head is for the beast. It’s a gift.’” (Page 137, Paragraph 4). While it is true that many of Jack’s actions were true to his nature, such as when he makes a figurative deal with the devil by offering an alliance of sorts with the beast, many of them had been influenced by fear as well. Moments such as when the boys were first approaching castle rock or when Ralph had dismissed the power of his hunters, are when Ralph and Jack’s conflict is at its highest, such moments also display the individual fears that each boy has, fears which play parts in the eventual separation of the group.There is a conflict among these two opposing characters, but despite being on different sides, both of them have fear sewn into their hearts, showing the true power of fear, something that exists no matter what circumstances. “ ‘Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood! Do him