Cooperation is essential when attempting to complete an assignment in a group. Without cooperation the group social structure could easily collaspe causing the group to disassociate and ultimately compete against one another. In William Golding’s novel Lord of the flies there are distinguishable examples of cooperation and competition. Lois Lowry’s novel Gathering Blue also has its fair share of cooperation and competition. In the fictional Novel Lord of the flies by William Golding, Golding tells a story about how a society needs to cooperate in order to get whatever they need to get done. Lack of cooperation could cause the group to society to disband and eventually resort to competion. The novel begins with the boys stranded on an island …show more content…
the story starts with a girl named Kira whos dad was supposebly eaten by the beast and her mother later passes away from sickness so they burned her cott down which was done after after sickness. Kira was technically never supposed to live this long, she has a twisted leg in a place where everyone needed to be contribute. The villagers wanted to leave her in the field of leaving since no one was willingly going to take her due to her leg, the Council of Guardians let her stay on the count she would be their weaver and take care of the Singer 's robe.Kira now has a purpose and does have a place in this society, she later finds out how corrupt the council is and how they rule the way they believe is correct. Kira has a choice she could just ignore it and be grateful to have been taken in by them, or she could try to change it for the better. Her father ends up being alive and explains to her how the council runs the community and how the field contained of no beast. He gives kira a choice to either stay or come with him, she stays because she wants to better her community, but now she knows Jamison tried to kill her father she thinks he also could have killed her mother. Kira stays for the few people she truly cares about and plans to change the community through her …show more content…
From reading it the reader can say Lois Lowry believed that a society could function only if everybody has a role to play, every one had to cooperate even if it meant to get rid of people who were weaker, which violates multiple human rights. William Golding’s Lord of the flies was a little diffrent the reader could say that Golding believed that society could work as long as nobody strays from the common goal, but once someone strays the balance is comprised and they resort to violence, in this case