
Lord Samson Research Paper

614 Words3 Pages

Jun Ha (Kevin) Whang 12/18/14
Period G (Religion 1) Ms. Tee Old Testament- Battles and Warriors Project Samson (Judges 13-16)
From his birth up to his death, almost every moment of Samson’s life was imbued with the Lord’s power. His birth only occurred because an angel (Sent from God) of the Lord granted a barren woman a child. His death occurred when the Lord granted him one final feat of strength to push the heavy pillars that supported the roof of a temple filled with Philistines, so destroying the temple and killing the Philistines. In between those events the Lord asided Samson in all his battles, save for the one …show more content…

Later in Judges 14 line 19, once again “the Spirit of the Lord came powerfully upon him” when Samson recognizes that the Philistines cheated to solve his riddle of “Out of the eater, something to eat; out of the strong, something sweet” (Judges 14 line 14). (The answers of course are a lion and honey, referencing the honey that Samson ate from the lion’s body after he killed it). With the Lord by his side, Samson strikes down 30 Philistines and strips them from belongings. In Judges 15 line 14, again “The Spirit of the Lord came powerfully upon him” after he is tied up by the Judahs to be delivered to the Philistines. Once he sees the Philistines, the Lord gives him the power to tear through his bindings and strike down a thousand men with only the fresh jawbone of a donkey. After his victory Samson again turns to the Lord for help when he cries out to the Lord “You have given your servant this great victory. Must I now die of thirst and fall into the hands of the Non Jews?” (Judges 15 line 18) and the Lord again grants his wishes and opens up a hollow place from which water came

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