Lord's Supper Religion

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Sacraments reassure us of God's promise towards us. A testament is a promise made by someone who is about to die, in which a bequest is identified, and heirs are appointed. A testament firstly involves the death of the testator, then secondly, the promise of an inheritance and the identification of the heirs. In Luke 22:19-20, Christ testifies concerning his death when He said, "This is my body, which is given, this is my blood, which is poured out." In Matthew 26:28, Christ named and designated the bequest when he asked for the forgiveness of sins. In Luke 22:19-20, 1 Corinthians 11:24, Matthew 26:28 and Mark 14:24, Christ appoints the heirs for those who accept and believe the promise of the testator. The Lord's Supper affirms the promises …show more content…

The Passover festival was celebrated with a meal. The Last Supper was a Passover meal, where Jesus wished his followers to make a connection between the past act of delivering Israel from Egypt and the greater act of deliverance that was about to take place. The main items of the Lod's Supper are bread and wine, which are held to recollect the breaking of Christ's body and the shedding of His blood on the cross. During the Last Supper, Luke 22:19-20 illustrates how Christ got a loaf of bread, gave thanks, broke the loaf and gave it to His disciples, telling them to do this in remembrance of Him. Jesus did the same thing with the cup after the supper, giving it to His disciples and letting them know that it was the new covenant in His blood. The Old Testament's equivalent to the Lord's Supper was the Passover. Passover was the sacrifice of the Lamb without blemish so that the angel of death passed over the people and those who had blood on their doors were saved from the wrath of the angel of death. The Passover was a bloody sacrament, symbolizing the excision of the guilt and pollution of sin, and obliging the people to let the principle of the grace of God penetrate their entire life. The saved family ate the lamb that was killed, symbolizing the appropriating act of faith, like the eating of the bread in the …show more content…

The death of Jesus Christ is also recalled. With having Christians to look backwards in remembrance, the Lord's Supper points to the future, inviting Christians to anticipate what has yet to happen. In the New Testament, the Christians' anticipation of what is yet to happen is deeply embedded in the New Testament. In 1 Corinthians 11:23-26, Paul gives an account of the Eucharist, making reference to its anticipation of the return of Christ in the future. This theme of anticipation also focuses on the hope of the New Jerusalem. In the book of Revelation, it states the marriage supper of the Lamb, referencing Christ as the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. The Lord's Supper is a present foretaste of this future event; a foretaste of the heavenly banquet. The Lord's Supper allows us to take a glimpse into the realities of Heaven and anticipate our future presence there. Sacraments affirm the present faith of individual believers. For the Lord's Supper, this process of affirmation takes place through the mind and imagination. The believer who are in the present are able to reflect on what God has done in the past, what He will do in the future, and deepen their faith and trust in God as a

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